
What's My URL?

        ISP have their own ways of storing Web pages, and only they will be able to tell you what your page's Web address, its URL, will be. For example, if your ISP is named "qwerty.com" and your account's name is "abcd", your Web page's URL when you install it may be http://www.qwerty.com/abcd/file.html.

        Note the parts of this URL: It begins with "http" indicating that we're using HTTP, the Web browser protocol, which is what you use to look at Web pages in browsers. Next is the name of the ISP followed by the name of your account and then the name of the actual page itself, "file.html". What your Web page's actual URL will be depends on ISP; for example, it's common to place a tilde (~) before the account name like this:  http://www.qwerty.com/~abcd/file.html. You might even end up with something like this: http://www.qwerty.com/customers/abcd/file.html. This is something only your ISP can tell you, so make sure you ask it. 
